Introduction of EU Green Deal

The European Green Deal-EGD, hereinafter referred to as “EU Green Deal” is a comprehensive and long-term program of the European Union (EU) to respond to all global climate emergency from now to 2050. This document was published on December 12, 2019 by European Commission and approved via voting by European Council in January 15, 2020.


In the Documents, the European Green Deal mentions 09 main policy directions, each of which includes specific regulations, strategies, financial resources for implementation in compliance with the roadmap designed to gradually reach goals.


After European Green Deal was announced and adopted, many Strategies, Programs, implementing Plans, legislation, etc. have been issued to realize policies and goals set out in EGD.


Since green and sustainable development is a collective and inter-industry issue, one action can affect multiple sectors, one goal can only be achieved through many policies, implementing in many sectors; the EU chose to design EGD’s key contents by 09 main basic policy goals not by specific sectors


The main and ultimate objective of the EU Green Deal is to transform the EU to be climate neutral by 2050. As such, climate can be considered to be a key sector of the EU Green Deal.


Green policies in this sector include the EU’s measures, actions to materialize relevant important objectives in European Green Deal, including: - Protecting biodiversity and ecosystems; - Reducing air, water and soil pollution; - Moving towards a circular economy; - Improving waste management; - Ensuring the sustainability of blue economy and fisheries sectors.


European Green Deal’s policies in agriculture sector aim to: - Ensure food security in the face of climate change and biodiversity loss - Reduce the environmental and climate footprint of the EU food system; - Strengthen the EU food system’s resilience; - Promote global transition towards competitive sustainability from farm to fork.


Besides climate, environment – ocean and agriculture, the European Green Deal also mentions green policy objectives in many other sectors (Industry, Energy, Transport, Research and Development, Finance, Construction, etc.). Most of the contents which are categorized by European Commission into these sectors only relate to the EU actors in the EU territory and/or internal issues of the EU and its Member States.


“Farm to Fork” (F2F) Strategy was presented by the European Commission on 20th May 2020, and is assumed to be the key measure to implement the target of making food system fair, healthy, and environmentally-friendly.


Circular economy action plan (CEAP) is an important part of the European Green Deal, adopted on Mar 2020, aims to build a green, clean, circular economy and make sustainable products the norm at the EU. This new plan replaces CEAP which has been already in place since 2015.
