Vice President Joseph R. Biden Jr., left, in meetings with Russia’s president on Wednesday, called the country’s accession to the World Trade Organization “the most important item on our agenda,” and promised that the White House would push for the repeal of cold-war-era trade restrictions. But he warned that international investors were watching closely to see whether Russia made progress on corruption and rule of law.

“Investors are looking for assurances that the legal system treats them fairly and acts on their concerns swiftly,” Mr. Biden said during a visit to the Skolkovo business school. Mr. Biden, who two years ago originated the idea of a “reset” between Russia and the United States, is tasked with maintaining the momentum in the still-jittery relationship. Russia is looking for the United States to help promote its economic modernization, a central goal of Dmitri A. Medvedev’s presidency.

March 11th, 2011

Source: The New York Times